At Fabrik, we have harnessed the power of machine learning algorithms to transform the way you select manufacturers for your projects, from prototypes to series production.
Precision Engineered Excellence
BMW X6 M Crni 2019
Izuzetno nam je zadovoljstvo predstaviti vam ekskluzivni dodatak našoj floti – BMW X6 M. Ovaj luksuzni SUV kombinuje vrhunsku eleganciju sa izvanrednom performansom, pružajući vam nezaboravno iskustvo vožnje koje se pamti.
Uz mnoštvo naprednih funkcija, uključujući najnovije tehnološke inovacije i udobne kožne enterijere zadovoljava sve potrebe.
BMW X7 M CRNI 2023
Predstavljamo vam najnovije čudo tehnologije i luksuza – BMW X7 M 2023. Ovaj SUV postavlja standarde u kategoriji, spajajući eleganciju, snagu i udobnost na jedinstven način. Sa svojim impresivnim crnim eksterijerom, BMW X7 M privlači poglede na putu, ističući se svojim sofisticiranim dizajnom i snažnim prisustvom.
BMW 7 740 Xdrive 2023. sivi
Luksuzni enterijer pruža vrhunsku udobnost i prostranost, omogućavajući vam da uživate u svakom trenutku vožnje. Takođe BMW 7 je opremljen najnaprednijim sigurnosnim funkcijama i sistemima asistencije, pružajući vam mir uma tokom svake vožnje. Bilo da putujete poslovno ili privatno, ovaj automobil nudi vrhunsku kombinaciju stila, performansi i udobnosti.
Mercedes Maybah 2022. crni S560
Mercedes-Maybach S560 2022 je izvanredan spoj elegancije, udobnosti i tehnološke inovacije. Ovaj automobil odiše luksuzom na svakom koraku, sa svojim sofisticiranim dizajnom koji privlači pažnju gdje god da se pojavi. Što se tiče performansi, Mercedes-Maybach S560 nudi impresivan pogon uz snažan motor koji omogućuje glatku vožnju i izvanrednu kontrolu. Uz napredne sigurnosne karakteristike i intuitivne upravljačke sisteme, vožnja ovog automobila je čista uživancija.
Unveiling the Process of CNC-Machined Parts Production
Quoting process
Express quotes – often on the same day Two-stage technical feasibility check Flexible offer optimization regarding price or delivery time
Order placement
More than 2000 specialized manufacturing partners AI-supported selection of the optimal manufacturer Fabrik is the sole contractual and contact partner
Broadest manufacturing range in the market Unlimited production capacity ISO 9001 certified quality management
By any modern statistical measure, Fabrikmeets or exceeds the quality standards of the world’s most demanding industries.
Experience consistently short delivery times with our USA-wide express shipping service. Enjoy the convenience of swift deliveries while knowing that our operations are 100% climate neutral, contributing to a sustainable future for all.
Order tracking
Receive real-time production status updates for your orders at your convenience—access exclusive part photos and comprehensive inspection data even before your items are delivered.
Unleashing Our Versatile CNC Factory Capabilities
Leverage our engineering expertise: from prototyping to large scale production, we’ve got you covered.
Quality from Start to Finish
ISO 9001 certified,
AS 9100 / ISO 13485 compliant
Tolerances as
tight as +/- 0.0002″
Material certification
Finishing & masking
From Industry Leaders to Global Research Institutions
Trusted by over 15,000 satisfied customers worldwide
Charlie Simmons
Development Department at Sisco LLC.
Noah Wade
Technical Director at Fredung LLC.
Edgar Maldonado
Mechanical Engineer at Globe LLC.
Join 2,400+ companies who choose Fabrik for fast, high-quality custom parts
- Instant pricing & lead-time options
- CNC Machining, Urethane Casting, Injection Molding
- Support from technical manufacturing experts